November 7,支招种手 2024
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The机套均花密密层层 graph below shows changes in average monthly cost (euros)of four kinds of mobile contracts in a particular country in 2012.
按照 <数值大小> 分段
Body 1:蓝色、橙色(数值高)
Body 2:灰色、月平不由分说黄色(数值低
The费变 line graph compares four cellphone plan providers in terms of their average monthly prices in a European country over a period of 9 months, starting from December in 2011 to August in 2012.
It is clear thatDemoremained to be the most expensive optionover the given period,whileETX wasthe most economical one.Also, the monthly cost of services provided by Demoexperienced the most remarkable growth.
- Demo(蓝色)数据始终最高,ETS(黄色)数据始终最低
- Demo(蓝色)数据变化幅度最大
Body paragraph 1
We can find thatpeople had to pay more if they signed a contract with Demo or Alpha.Originally,支招种手Demo charged €22 for their monthly plan,小作线图after whichthis figureunderwent a slight decrease by€2 in February.Subsequently,there emerged a significant rise tothe peak at €33 in July,before dropping marginallyto €30 in August.Likewise,the first month witnessed a modest fall inthe price of Alpha from €18 to €16.Afterminor fluctuations, this figuregrew noticeably to€26 by the end of the period.
- 蓝色、动态橙色数据整体较高
- Demo(蓝色):一开始€22→2月小幅度下降了€2→7月显著上升到€33→8月小幅度下降到€30
- Alpha(橙色):第一个月从€18小幅度下降到€16→随后小幅度波动,某国到8月显著上升到€26
Body paragraph 2
However,机套均花 services provided by the other companies were relatively cheaper. With the price of €16, Silmranked the third placeamong the four providers in the beginning.Subsequently, this figuresaw a period of fluctuations, ranging from€12to€17.A similar trend could be foundin the charge of ETX plans.Starting at€8, its figuredeclined gradually to€6 in March.Afterwards, this figuremore than doubledin June,followed bya dramatic decrease to €8 in the end.
- 灰色、月平思前想后黄色数据较低
- Silm(灰色):一开始排第三(€16)→随后在€12 到€17范围内波动
- ETX(黄色):一开始€8→随后逐步下降,费变3月达到€6→随后到6月翻倍→8月急剧下降到€8
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